Hi Guys, late but not last!!! So, let’s do this. My name is Diayla Karina Rosa and I will be a part of the trainer’s team in Malle.

My journey within AFS started this year, in the beginning of 2022 when I decided to look for some volunteer opportunities within my area in the city I live in Denmark. I graduated last year from my master’s in Intercultural Studies and was facing some struggles to find a paid job in my field, so I decided “what the hack, why not work for free and get some experience?”

I came into AFS with no expectations at all, and was introduced to a universe of possibilities. In the beginning I wanted to embrace the world and be a part of everything, but now I am starting to set my grounds and be more picky so I can dedicate fully to the things I commit to. It can become quite hectic!!For the time being I am a coordinator in the ICL center in Aarhus, and also an online facilitator for the SLJ program. I also just came back from Kenya in where I represented AFS together with my friend Mattia in an International Conference for youth. The next thing in the agenda is PEACE and I am looking so much forward to it, even though I am freaking out a little bit with the amount of responsibilities I have in the moment. So please bare with my delays!

I can’t wait to meet you all in person, and share great moments together! I’ll follow the lead and leave some pics that represent me as a global citizen and also an AFSer.