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Active Global Citizenship in Europe

Active citizenship is one of the PEACE camp’s main objectives, which is closely connected to Active Global Citizenship. Firstly, we should understand what we mean when we say Active Citizenship.

“(Active) citizenship stands for active participation of citizens in the economic, social, cultural, and political fields of life. In the youth field, much emphasis is on learning the necessary competencies through voluntary activities. The aim is not only to improve the knowledge but also motivation, skills, and practical experience to be an active citizen.”

REF: Siurala, Lasse (2005): European framework of youth policy

Thus, as an active citizen, you can participate in community life (decision-making, voting, etc.), look for information, understand how society works, volunteer, fight injustice, spread awareness about environmental issues, and many more. Although, you do not necessarily need to stay at the local level. You can also be an active citizen on the Global Level. We are citizens of our countries, but at the same time, we are Citizens of Europe and the whole world. Being a Global Citizen means you share the same fundamental values, such as democracy and human rights, with other Europeans and beyond them. We want to learn more about the world to make it a better place to live. 

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Global Citizenship

  • Global Citizenship is a citizen-citizen relation, a process of peaceful interactions based on people’s human rights and responsibilities.
  • Global Citizenship does not mean a “belonging” to a particular territory or country but a “belonging” to a value-based community.
  • A global society is not only meant to be made up of separate countries that coexist but rather to be a community of communities, a community of people, people with different backgrounds but common history, values, and shared perspectives of political, economic, social, and cultural development.
  • Global Citizenship does not replace national identity/citizenship or any other belonging.
  • Global Citizenship is not a given formal status but an active social, political, and cultural role (voluntary identity and capacity) of citizens to build and shape a new world.
  • Global Citizens are co-citizens, living and cooperating with others, caring for Global affairs, promoting peace, equity, democracy, broader social solidarity and justice, seeking compromise, and respecting and protecting minorities.
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Active Global Citizenship 

Active global citizenship is a concept that encompasses individuals who are cognisant of the following:

  • They are just one part in a much bigger world and community; it’s not all about themselves.
  • They must take actions that benefit local and international communities.
  • They readily tackle injustices, like discrimination or human rights violations.
  • They value things like cultural diversity.
  • They are responsible for their actions.

Active global citizens empower themselves and others to improve their condition, those around them, and the world at large.

Do you want to know more about Active Global Citizenship, what EFIL does in this area and how to get involved beyond the PEACE programme, click here.