My name is Julie I’m in Malle trainer team.
I’m living now in France but I’m moving soon to … Iceland! The country that everyone want to leave
I’m going to do a volunteering camp there (but not with AFS) to plant tree in because there are not and I’m hoping to stay there to maybe do an ESC and if I like study also.
I’ve been on exchange in 2019/2020 in Finland. My heart is Finnish now.
Since I’m came back I’ve been really involved in my local AFS chapter. This year I started being more involved at a national level.
Last summer I get the chance to participate at both Chapex in Serbia and in Icelandwhere I met lovely people and I will have the chance to see some of them in PEACE!
I love learning new things, traveling, learning more languages, music and the adventure.
See you soon!