Hi All, my name is Petra and I will be part of the DES ST. I’m originally from Hungary, did my exchange in Poland and moved back to Cracow, Poland after exchange. I’ve been with AFS for 10 years in various different positions: volunteering in my local chapter, staff, board member, internship with AFS INT and finally now a trainer in AFS HUN. I am somewhat of a workaholic, so I spend the vast majority of my time either with my job (HR professional in a corporation) or with AFS. Whenever I get the chance, I love to sleep, relax on the couch with a glass of wine and Netflix. I am a major coffee lover – some days it’s required for me to stay alive, and some other days it helps all the people at my work stay alive 😉 I am sarcastic and a direct communicator. I am fascinated by understanding the way people’s minds work and I love traveling – which I am very happy to be getting back to after COVID. I look forward to be seeing you all!