Petra and Mona from Slovakia visits one of AFS Thailand chapters in Bangkok. Here is their experience:

The chapter is located at Triamudomsuksanomklao School and have good support thanks to the school principal and vice-principals. Petra and I got a warm welcome from volunteers who are teachers at this school and they took us to have a meeting with the principal, 4 vice- principles and the head of English program teacher to discuss about PEACE project. School principle is pleased to support this project if students in his school are interested to participate in it. After the meeting, volunteers took us to meet returnees (DOM, BOL, USA, GER) and AFS student who will go to China this year. We discussed how it feels to be a returnee, what are the advantages and outcomes of a year spent abroad. Then, we got to meet students in the class of English Program and International Program and also teachers of English program. We spent 4 hours from 9:30 to 12:30 at this chapter and we have really high hopes to cooperate with this school, since the support from the principal and the teachers to introduce a program focusing on global citizenship would be very welcomed, however the dates and topic should be re-discussed.