AFS India is currently hosting Matylda from Poland, Priya from AFS India has been paired up with Matylda and has shared the following blog post with us:

The PEACE Project is really special for us, as we are not only one of the participants but also the hosts of the first gathering of the Project Participants. Our preparations, goes back to the time when we got to know that we would be hosting the 16 AFS colleagues/volunteers for a week and would be having one participant joining us a week before.

While preparing for the country visit schedule, we realized that visit to schools would not be possible due summer vacations in Delhi. Thus, we had to plan it in 2 cities. One of our oldest chapter-Ahmedabad) was chosen for the same. They were equally excited and thrilled to host her.

We welcomed Matylda Kasprzycka (AFS POL) at Ahmedabad on 12th June, where school visits (Anand Niketan) visits were planned and conducted.

On 15th, She arrived in the capital and her visit continued. The rest of the visit included-Meeting at the AFS National Office, one on one discussion with the Programs Team-Sending, Hosting, School, Visit to a partner organization and cultural visit.

We hope this visit of her and the interaction has created a stronger connect to the entire project, enhancing her understanding of different aspects of Indian culture, life style, education system. We believe, such an understanding of a different environment, a different culture and relating to it by being a part of it is Global Citizenship.